I will start this entry with some good news; I have successfully completed the Social Media Internship, which will appear upon my HEAR when I graduate in 2014. The whole experience has enabled me to develop my confidence with job searches, but to also self-reflect upon my abilities, achievements and goals. I am quite proud that through engaging my passion with writing, social media and communication, I now have another something on my CV and my HEAR certificate.
In relation to the title of this blog, I have applied for a work experience placement at thisisglobal Academy, with the hope of gaining some experience with Broadcast Journalism. I am waiting for a response to my application with all fingers and toes crossed. It would be an amazing opportunity, one which would really encourage all of my passions. This week I also wrote my second article for blog.grads.co.uk which focuses upon the essential skill of time management as a student, and the benefits of being well organised and time efficient - will be quite an experience to see something I have produced on a website and interactive blog which is accessed daily by such a large audience. It is exciting, but I am also quite nervous - it has been a long time since I have had something published (I occasionally write poetry, of which some has been published).
In the meantime, I am currently researching internships in Birmingham and the West Midlands. There are some fantastic opportunities already for what I want to do, but unfortunately they are in London. I am willing to travel to London each day if I could, but unfortunately my finances do not cover the costs of travel and accommodation. It is a shame, but it makes me ever more determined to succeed in Birmingham (hopefully!)
I am also focusing upon the Public History Conference as part of my BA History degree. The theme of Liberty, Emancipation and Equality is proving to be quite intriguing, and the group paper which I am involved with surrounds the UN and the influence it has on the social and cultural aspects of daily life in Africa. As this project develops I will of course update here, but at the moment it is still taking baby steps. I have the Making of Modern Medicine and Close Encounters modules running alongside this, as well as writing the first chapter of my Research Project. It's all hands-on and there are times where I am so tired, but I absolutely love what I am studying. The feedback I received from the Society, Culture and Politics of World War 1 module have really boosted my confidence. Overall I received as 2:1, which alongside the 1st I received in the Behind Closed Doors module, looks very promising.
Always moving forward, I will of course update this blog with any new developments.
Until then, best wishes.