Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Using Social Media to build contacts

The ultimate purpose of the Social Media Internship is to build professional contacts who we can use to find work experience, part-time or full-time employment and to seek advice in terms of how to develop.

My previous posts have been about the development of my skills but this post will look at how I have been able to use social networking sites such as Twitter and Linkedin to broaden my network of professionals and how I have utilised both services.

The first development came when I applied to become a student writer for which is a blog relating to student experiences whilst studying and can focus on a wide range of things.
I was emailed back shortly after my application with the news that I had been accepted as a student blogger with the following statement:

"This position is voluntary however it would reflect exceptionally well on your CV, enhance your core skills and your work will be viewed by all candidates who visit our site and clients who advertise with us – who knows, you may even get head hunted. You will have your very own profile page on our website, with links to all your social networks – thus enhancing your profile."
This is an amazing opportunity and it happened within days of using Linkedin which is a social media platform which I avoided prior to starting the internship. I will now have experience proof-reading, writing, editing and being involved with a wide community of graduates which is something I know I can use in the future.

The second development has come through meeting a fellow student at the University of Derby who has a love for books. This is not only a common interest, but I have been able to share a project with her which will enhance both of our skills. I am hosting a book sale to raise money for Oxfam, one of the charities which I feel passionate about and I need help planning and managing. Callie has those skills and eventually wants to open her own book shop so this has become a mutual relationship where we can work together to produce something amazing.

Other communications has involved me setting up a meeting with someone whose career is centered around public relations and I have also emailed Big Cat Group which is a company in Birmingham who specialise in Marketing and Public Relations to ask a range of questions such as how I can enhance my CV, are there any recommended courses I need to undertake and potentially arrange some work experience as I feel I need to start branching out.

Ultimately my goal is to work in Public Relations with an amazing team, and I have found one at Bournville College so there is a part of me which hopes that by the time I graduate, I will be considered for employment however this is not a concrete plan and there may be things out of my control so I am not counting all my chickens, so having more experience and extending my knowledge, understanding and contacts within the career field is essential at this point, and even if I gain employment.

Prior the starting the internship, I already used Twitter as a way of connecting with companies around Derby and in Birmingham. I've followed fundraising groups, professionals and individuals who have experience in the field I want to work in and so my goal is to look at how I can build upon my interactions through Twitter and again potentially find some work experience or receive some advice on how I can stand out in 2014 when I graduate.

Thank you for reading, will update again soon.

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