My last post focused on being diagnosed with PCOS, and I will admit that for a time I struggled accepting that diagnosis. I don't think anyone can really prepare you for something like that, and I still don't think I have fully come to terms with it, but everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
The most exciting development in my life is that I am finally a BA (Hons) History graduate, having successfully completed my degree in June this year. After writing 10,000 words on the impact of art and literature on the culture of remembrance, I left the University of Derby with these valuable lessons:
- I love history, and I believe the experiences I shared with my classmates were some of the best (and worst), and I will always cherish the last three years.
- As cliché as it may sound, the biggest lesson I had was the one with myself. My confidence is at an all new high, and I am able to really stand on my own two feet. Like I said, cliché but very true.
- Job searching is currently the bain of my life.
Is it money? Happiness? Progression or working with a specific group of people?
I do believe that job searching is one of the most soul-destroying things anyone can go through because it almost feels like there are so many reasons for why people should not give you the chance as opposed to facing my reality and understanding that... I have relentlessly worked so hard just to be here.
Anyway, I do not want to turn this blog into a heated rant about the unjust conditions of graduate life. My only advice to those who are still studying or who have just embarked on their studies as an undergraduate... never restrict yourself and never turn down opportunities.
Big or small, those are the things that will enable you to create your own luck and your own success. Go for it!
Since January, I have been researching tons and tons of gluten-free and low carb recipes, cooking them, hating them, improving them and writing down my thoughts on each and every one of them. I am doing this because I really want to produce my own gluten-free cookbook.
There are a number of these around, but not on a student budget which I found the hardest task in my final year of studies. My food has less ingredients, so why do supermarkets charge me so much more?!
I am going to be using this blog to research and talk over my ideas. It not only gives me something to do as I search for my lifelong career, but I always thought... I wish I had someone to sit me down and hand me a load of gluten-free recipes. Instead, I had to look for my own and place a sizeable order of books on my Christmas list, and so I have felt inspired to not only research for myself, but the many other students out there who are trying their best to make things happen.
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